It was a lazy sunday afternoon and I just thought to myself "Hey, I haven't searched Craigslist for at least 35 minutes"...that's how it started. So, 2 hours later after looking in Portland, Texas, Arizona, (why I even look here I have no I'd pay shipping.NOT) then meandering onto Vancouver CR I found a little ad that said 'teak furniture and more". Low and behold..I see a bookcase, with a primary bowl set on it (however, it was in rough shape) and there, below that...was....a gorgeous glimmering pink striped bowl.
My mouth went dry.
My fingers went numb.
I fast as I could, to beat out anyone else who didn't have a life that sunday afternoon and spent the day searching CR for treasures.
And...waited....not so patiently (patience is not a virtue, totally over rated).
Finally, VOILA! For 5 BUCKS!
Here it is on my pretty!
And...what did I find later that day? Oh my little Snowflake Garland Divided can't be missed on that thrift store shelf hiding behind some crummy plastic bowls!
Earlier that week I was in one of my fav hot spots for deals and this was sitting on the floor, very dirty. I have zippadeedooda clue about vintage toys but thought it was too cool and Ella would love it. It's a Tonka Winnibago. I brought it home for $8 bucks...and cleaned it up. Ella ADORES it (currently her smurf collection is camping in it). boot, it's going for $50 on Ebay. Love deals!
I found these pretty bowls for a friend and made a friend buying them! Jen was so great, she had these bowls and the 2 matching casserole dishes. I hoarded the casserole dishes for myself they were SO gorgeous. I'll have to do a whole Blog on Jen, she's like the most creative person EVER.

Believe it or not, I have a ton of Pyrex but have NEVER used them to bake or cook anything. Finally, I decided to break some in. On the left is my new Horizon Blue and the right is Pressed Flowers.
Now I know why people LOVE vintage Pyrex in the kitchen. I have NEVER had my lasagna turn out better, nor can I believe how easy it was to clean! The burnt grimy (because heh, let's face it girls, I'm no cook) lasagna bits practically oozed right off themselves. One swipe under hot water and it was clean.
Un - fricken - real.
Love My Pyrex...double sigh....
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